I've bought three copies of Revolution: A Manifesto, one for me and two for gifts. I recommend buying as many copies as you can and giving them away, this book really does nail on the head all the issues and the logic behind them all.
I'm about 3/4 through this book and am amazed how Ron Paul succinctly tears apart the status quo with ease with common sense and a rugged regard for individualism. I'm not sure how else to really drive the point home other than, just read this book. Tell other to read this book,don't argue about who they should vote for just have them read the book.
I think Jubak explains really well some of the inflation issues in this segment. What I love about Austrian Economics is that aside from trying to come up with the most efficient and stable economic theory like any economic school, it also factors Liberty and it's relation economic policy.
What it ends up boiling down to
- Liberty is intrinsically tied to the citizens ability maintain a standard of life in which they can exercise their Liberty - Economics is intrinsically tied to Liberty in the sense that freedom to enter the market create the competition that creates the innovation that enable the market to expand and see Economics growth
So if one falls the other does to, and if one is improved so does the other as well. So when inflation is beating away at your purchasing power whether it be cause of increased foreign demand (which is a natural effect of a free market) or cause of artificially increased money supply (an unnatural source of inflation)
Some products will go up in price do to free market forces of supply and demand, which is natural and also naturally the market will adjust to it. Although, when other factors cause purchasing power to decrease faster the market can naturally adjust you'll see adverse reactions which is the current state of the US economy so wonderfully exhibits.
Despite what's going on in the nation economically and politically you can still protect your own personal liberty and standard of life through investments that can beat real inflation numbers. As Jubak pointed out, taking Food and Energy prices into account in current CPI methodology you see a current inflation of 4%.
So basically, by the end of the year that $20 bill in your pocket will have purchasing power of 19.20. If your rich you probably have enough foreign investments that your wealth can stealthily maneuver current US dollar declines but if...
- If you live paycheck to paycheck unless you get a 4% raise a year, your actually see purchasing power decrease in wages which will effect you ability to save maintain the same standard of life you have.
- If your near retirement and your nest egg is seeing anything less than 4% increase each year, your retirement is shrinking.
As Jubak pointed out, due to the focus on the Core rate of inflation by most institution which don't consider Food and Energy prices Treasuries, savings accounts, are guaranteed loss of your money. You'd actually realize more yield from spending you money right now.
So this leaves the equity market (stocks) despite what you hear int he news as the best place to beat inflation. Whether you have a Stock Broker (which I will be in a week :)) guide you in buying growth stocks to see value grow or into dividend yielding stocks to gain income, Equities is your best bet of preserving your liberty and fighting the inflation beast.
Protect your liberty now, it'll help you fight for it tomrrow.
It's been a long while since I've been aggressively posting, and next Thursday I finally take my series 7 and once that's over I'll have the time to throw my hat back in. Despite my post-graduation struggle has temporarily sidelined me, the revolution has continued strong and I thought I'd quickly go over a few things. First off as far as what I've always done some reminders:
- LibertyWarChest.com is still throwing fundraisers on the 14th of every month for Ron Paul LibertyPAC join the list and keep informed on these fund raisers!
- Liberty Independence Alliance still seems to be currently the only active social network for those with the libertarian/paleo-conservative views so please do join and participate in the featured discussions.
- Of course this blog will continue to discuss the philosophy and issues surrounding our liberty :)