Thursday, January 10, 2008

#89 - Ron Paul Addresses Racism Charges Beautifuly

As you know the last couple of months I'd make the occasional post where I would address the constantly re-emerging accusations that Ron Paul is racist. Usually these accusation stem from newsletters sent out over 15 years ago which were written by a variety of contributors. Today he wonderfully addressed these accusations on CNN with Wolf Blitzer and I'll show you the video at the bottom of the post. First, I want to talk about the Ron Paul I love.

The Ron Paul I love loves Civil Disobedience and Martin luther King Jr. and talked about how following in his footsteps is vital to being a true patriot in this address to congress.

The Ron Paul I know is Muhammad Ali fan who Honored him on his 65th birthday with kind words to one of Americas greatest.

The Ron Paul I know was one of the few candidates who would participate in the Morgan State debate which addressed Minority issues shown in the video below.

Ron Paul was the only candidate on either side to come speak at the Arab American Summit in Dearborn, MI show in the video below

Ron Paul Addressing Accusations of Racism on CNN

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